Wednesday, June 7, 2017

How Ghanaian women carry their babies around

Ever since we moved to Accra, Ghana about 13 months ago, I have been fascinated by the way babies are carried around on their mother's backs wrapped in beautiful African fabric. From what I could tell, no pins nor cords are use to hold the piece of fabric in place.  It is just folded and tucked under the same fabric across the mother's chest.  It doesn't seem very comfortable especially when the babies are asleep and their heads bob around unsupported but none of them seem to mind :).

How do the mothers do it without any help?  I was on a constant quest, waiting for an opportunity to catch a glimpse of their secret technique.  The other question was how I was going to capture it all on my camera because Ghanaians tend to be camera shy?  After about 8 months of being vigilant, I was finally rewarded. 

It is all done with such ease and grace.

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